Hospitality is all about creating an experience. Ornate décor, high end room service and other amenities can incur considerable cost to owners. Connectivity continues to be an integral part in the expected guest experience. Since pioneering some of the early DAS and GPON deployments, Symphony has adopted a host of solutions and services to expand coverage and capacity to hoteliers at reduced costs.
As a certified Marriott-approved DAS vendor and trusted partner to Hilton, IHG, and other hotel brands, Symphony’s understanding of 5G, fiber-to-the-edge, converged systems and more means that we deliver uniquely-crafted solutions designed to fit the specific needs of each hotel. Symphony’s focus now is to develop a long-term technology deployment strategy during the pre-construction phase so that the cost can be absorbed within the initial construction budget. This approach lessens the financial burden on the owner and provides a higher quality guest experience and improved operational efficiencies for hotel staff.